Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Gypsy Soul Tour Diary - Coconuts, Crocs and homebound

5th August – Heading Home

We spotted a croc on the Mowbray River, near Port Douglas...our first crocodile, my mum will be so pleased with me : )
So we're on the home stretch. I'm pretty sad. We've been hanging around Port Douglas for the last 2 weeks, making friends with other travelers and people dropping by our van when they hear music, to jam and share songs, going for bush walks in the Daintree and heaps of swimming. It's been so nice : ) I couldn't bear to leave, but we have gigs waiting for us in Brissy. We've given ourselves 6 days to get to Brisbane and staying with our friend Kerry again.

Hanging out in the Daintree Forest, Unfortunately Freddy had to stay in the van

No Crocs at the Daintree but I did find this suspicious looking predator : )

We're playing a few folk clubs and markets and I'm looking forward to getting back into performing, although I'm not really eager to get home at all. I feel I could do with another month on the road. In saying that, I have to get straight into recording the new album when I get home. We've already demoed most of the songs for the album, now it's a matter of picking the ones we feel are strong and start recording vocals, piano and guitar parts. That's always a mixture of excitement and fear : )

Check out this Video - Coconuts, Crocs and homebound

Cooktown, the furthest North we could go before it turned into 4WD tracks

So, what have I learnt on this trip? I'm not sure, I've been reading a lot, I found a book by Naomi Wolf called the 'Beauty Myth' for $2 at a second hand shop and really got into that. Beware, I'll be writing some angry songs about Women's Lib!!! Haha. And I'm on my second read of 'Women who run with wolves'. I find that book so inspiring. There is no 'Us and Them' mentally, it's just such a poetic, special book to be read by men and women alike….. it's my bible. I have also learnt that every time I feel sad, down, depressed, angry or don't really know how I feel, I should just pick up the guitar, or get some paint and create, draw, write, dance or go for a long walk on the beach and it all dissolves away and I feel good again…

Eating a coconut we found on mission beach, we're heading south and homebound now : (

We get home at the end of August, with plenty of shows in Sydney and blue mountains, I'll be doing more solo shows and stewart's going to take a breather. 

Talk to you soon
Snez xxx

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